Meet Ryan

I’m a Speaker who believes in collaborative leadership that delivers results for Mainers from Fort Kent to Kittery and Jackman to Machias.

I believe in keeping our communities safe and healthy. I believe Mainers should be able to enter the workforce and subsequently earn a living wage. I believe every Maine child should have access to high quality public education, food security and the opportunities to realize their career aspirations.

I believe affordable housing should be the expectation in every community rather than an anomaly. I believe in equity, fairness and justice. If you believe, like I do, that these are values worth advancing and defending, get involved in the political process. Now more than ever, you can change what’s happening right now and shape the days to come. Together, we will build a better, stronger Maine.

Your neighbor,
Ryan M. Fecteau (D-Biddeford) Speaker of the House

Read My Full Bio Here

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